On this page, you can find several bible reading resources to encourage you to dig into the Word of God. The bible is often referred to has the…
There is no other book that is more important to every living soul than the bible. It is the guidebook to this life and the life to come, given to us by our Creator. These resources are provided to encourage everyone to read and study the bible.
I have several FREE bible reading plans that you can choose from, download them to your device, print one and stick it in your bible. But most importantly, start. Today.
Bible Reading Plans
Torah Portion Bible Reading Plan
The newest bible reading plan that I have published here, is the Torah Portion and Full Bible schedule. This bible reading plan has the readings broken down into weekly portions that include the Torah, Prophets, Writings, Apostolic writings, and special readings for the biblical feasts (Appointed Times of God.) The weekly portions can be divided up over the week, so that you can read some each day.
Learn more about this reading plan and download/print it here: Torah Portion Bible Reading Plan
Daily Bible Reading Plans
The below bible reading plans are undated. Start them any day of the year. If you miss a day, or several days, no pressure! Just pick up where you left off, and keep on going.
I have had people contact me and tell me that for the first time, they have read through their entire bible using these plans!
These plans are in the most common book order and scripture numbering system. Not all bibles are ordered and numbered the same way.
Canonical Bible Reading Plan
This Bible Reading Plan takes you through the books of the bible in order from Genesis to Revelation. Get this bible reading plan here: Canonical Bible Reading Plan
Old and New Testament Bible Reading Plan
This reading plan gives you a portion in the Old Testament and a portion in the New Testament each day. Get this bible reading plan here: Old and New Testament Bible Reading Plan
The Daily Bread for Busy Moms podcast is a great way for you to listen to bible readings as you go about your day. It is available on iTunes and SoundCloud.
The reading plan they use is one that I have used for years. It is found in the Daily Bread bible journal that they publish every year. It is very similar to the first bible reading plan that I listed above.
Bible Versions
I am frequently asked what bibles I use.
The short answer is, I use many. But my favorite bible is the Complete Jewish Study Bible (CJB). It is a Christian bible with Hebrew context as well as articles and essays that go into cultural and historical context, explaining customs, idioms and more. It can be challenging for some at first, as it uses the original Hebrew names of people & places, but it doesn’t take long to get the hang of the names. It is available in Hardcover on Amazon, and in many variations at ChristianBook.
I also like the Tree of Life Version (TLV.) It uses some of the Hebrew names, while keeping many of the “English” versions that most are accustomed to.
Another new favorite is The Scriptures. From their website: “This is a literal translation of the Bible in English. This translation differs significantly from most common English translations in that it has restored the original book order of the Hebrew Scriptures, the Tanakh, and restored the Name of the Most High, (יהוה) throughout.“
Bible Lesson Resources
I am often asked about the bible teachers or fellowships that I follow. I have several that I watch, but there are two in particular.
Torah Class – Of all the bible teachers I have ever listened to or watched, Tom Bradford is my favorite. For people who are wanting to get started learning about the bible and especially if they don’t know where to start, I always refer them to Torah Class. There is a website, a YouTube channel and a FREE app.
On the Torah Class website and app, you can listen to or watch hundreds of lessons. On the website, you can download for free, the transcripts/text versions of every lesson. They are the most thorough bible teachings I have ever seen.
What I always recommend (and what I did years ago) is to begin with the Old Testament Survey. It is a collection of 12 lessons that take you through the history of Israel from Abraham to modern times.
Then go back and begin in Genesis. I have watched/listened to hundreds and hundreds of lessons…I actually don’t think there are any left that I haven’t watched or listened to.
You can also find topical studies in the dropdown menu of lessons, such as “The 7 Biblical Feasts and What They Mean for Followers of Yeshua” and “Christians and The Law.”
Torah Class is based in Merritt Island, Florida and is from Seed of Abraham Fellowship.
Beth Yeshua International – located in Macon, Georgia. The primary teacher is Greg Hershberg. He generally teaches on the first two Sabbaths of the week, and then there are other teachers being raised up who teach the other weeks. You can see his testimony of how he went from an Orthodox Jew in the projects, to becoming a believer and teacher in Jesus/Yeshua HERE.
You can watch countless archived teachings on the their teaching website, organized by topic HERE. Services are live streamed on the YouTube channel every week. (Saturdays at 10:10 am eastern time.) These are the services I watch each week on Shabbat, and I have visited there in person.
A few other fellowships/ministries that I follow are:
I am not affiliated with any of the above mentioned ministries, I simply shared them as a resource. With ALL pastors, teachers, ministries, etc. always compare the teachings/preaching to scripture. It is okay to not always agree with everything that is taught. We are fallible humans, doing our best to follow an infallible Messiah and serve a holy God.
Don’t Die In Your Sins
Do you know where you will go when you die? Everyone dies, there’s no way out of it. But you will be resurrected some day to stand before God. He will be your Judge. Will you be given reward or judgement? You can make sure it is reward!
If you live in the US, and do not own a bible, and sincerely can not afford to purchase one – please CONTACT ME HERE and send me an email. Put “BIBLE” in the subject line, so that I don’t miss it. I will also include a physical copy of the above book.