Weekly Bible Reading

Home » Weekly Bible Reading

This page is updated weekly with the current bible reading schedule. I usually update on Fridays to provide the next week’s reading.

This reading plan includes portions of the Torah, the Prophets & Writings, and from the writings of the Apostles, with special readings for Shabbat (Sabbaths), feasts and special days.

Every Saturday you can find a video of me reading the scriptures for that day on my YouTube channel.

Print or Download This Week’s Schedule Here:

September 1 – 7

September 8 – 14

September 15 – 21

More weekly schedules are added periodically.

Enter to win this week’s BIBLE GIVEAWAY –> HERE


If you find yourself getting behind in the readings, the Daily Bread for Busy Moms podcast is a great way for you to listen to the readings as you go about your day. It is available on iTunes and SoundCloud.

Bible Versions

I am frequently asked what bibles I use.

The short answer is, I use many. But my favorite bible is the Complete Jewish Study Bible (CJB). It is a Christian bible with Hebrew context as well as articles and essays that go into cultural and historical context, explaining customs, idioms and more. It can be challenging for some, as it uses the original Hebrew names of people & places. It is available in Hardcover on Amazon, and in many variations at ChristianBook.

I also like the Tree of Life Version (TLV.) It uses some of the Hebrew names, while keeping many of the “English” versions that most are accustomed to.

Another new favorite is The Scriptures. From their website: “This is a literal translation of the Bible in English. This translation differs significantly from most common English translations in that it has restored the original book order of the Hebrew Scriptures, the Tanakh, and restored the Name of the Most High, (יהוה) throughout.

More Reading Plan Options

I have three more bible reading plans available here on the website.

All of these reading plans are completely free, and the other three plans have no dates on them. That way you can start any time you like, and if you miss a day, there’s no pressure. Simply pick up where you left off and keep on going.

All three of the bible reading plans take you through the entire bible in a year, simply in different ways.

I have had numerous people tell me that those reading plans have helped them read the whole bible for the first time!

Click Here to See More Bible Reading Plans

Some Recent Weeks’ Schedules

August 25 – 31

August 18-24

August 11-17

August 4 – 10

July 28 – August 3

July 21-27