Homeschool Graduation 2013

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On our trip from Alaska to Alabama, we had a special event that was going to take place.

Upon arriving in Tennessee, we celebrated our elder son’s high school graduation! A few years ago, our oldest had her graduation while we were stationed in Alaska. Mamaw and Papaw were upset that they had missed a graduation of one of their grandkids. This time the didn’t! We left Alaska before the school year was officially over, so the Fairbanks borough mailed his diploma to the grandparents in Tennessee, and yesterday we officially graduated him, letting his grandparents not only witness the graduation, but taking center stage. Papaw read Joshua his diploma and presented it to him.





Then Mamaw put his graduation medal over his head and turned his tassel.


We have another graduate!!!


Picture time with Mom & Dad.


And our little great nephew, Hunter, We just met him for the first time, and he is the cutest little thing you have ever seen!


And Hunter’s parents – Lonnie & Allison.


And of course, the siblings.


Congratulations Joshua! We love you!!!

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7 thoughts on “Homeschool Graduation 2013”

  1. What a wonderful milestone and a special day for everyone in your family! Congratulations!!
    My recent post How To Be Your Own Publicist for Your Military Business (or other)

  2. Aw, how awesome! It's so awesome that he got to have such a special graduation ceremony <3 Love the picts, what a special moment. :)
    My recent post Dinner With The Smileys

  3. That is seriously cool that they not only got to be there, but got to give him his diploma! I've loved living overseas, but I'm extremely excited to get back stateside so my daughter can grow up closer to her family. It's moments like these that people cherish!
    My recent post Moving to America: Puppy Edition


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