PCS 2013: Days 16-18 | Kansas, Missouri and on to Tennessee

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After staying two nights in Colorado, one on each end of the state, we continued heading east through Kansas and Missouri.

Oh, and in Denver we stopped at Bass Pro Shop. I had a photo op with a couple of my favorite celebrities. Okay, with cutouts of my favorite celebrities.

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While in Missouri, we spent two nights there. You see, with our leaving Alaska earlier than expected – that messed with not only my plans, but my parents’ plans. They were on their way to Alaska to see us! Since they had had this trip planned for 2 years, they still wanted to go through with it – but instead of meeting in Alaska, we met along the way in Missouri. And not only did we see my parents, but it just so happened that one of my daughter’s dearest friends, Ronnie, happened to live right where we were staying. And another friend, Emma, flew in to see them both.

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We had another visitor at camp, too. Can you see him?


After a nice visit, we got up the second morning and took a couple pictures before getting on the road.



As we neared the Mississippi River, we had a special stop to make.



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Inside, this was a tram – or what we called a POD – to take us to the top.


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The view from the top.

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Heading back down to our pod.



After we left the arch, we walked through the park and found a quick geocache before heading to the truck and getting back on the road.


Louis & Clark


We got on the road again and instead of making our planned stop in Indiana, we pushed on through and arrived at my in-laws’ in Tennessee at about 1 am. Passing through Nashville, I snapped a picture of the skyline with my phone. The kids were cracking up over the “batman building.”

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And so, after nearly 3 weeks, 12 states, 2 Canadian provinces, and over 6,000 miles covered, we arrived at our secondary destination. We have been spending a few days in east Tennessee, catching up with relatives, having a graduation ceremony and doing some geocaching. I’ve now begun house-hunting in Alabama. In just a few days we will drive the last, short leg down there and begin our new life in the land of grits & sweet tea!

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1 thought on “PCS 2013: Days 16-18 | Kansas, Missouri and on to Tennessee”

  1. Your children will have such wonderful memories. Thanks for sharing your trip with us. It was delightful!!!


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