The day before yesterday I looked out the window and saw a coyote standing way back there in the pasture.
I grabbed my camera and snapped a few pics. Like I said, he was waaayyyy back there. He plopped down and scratched himself…quite vigorously. Then he laid down to sun himself, just like my silly dogs do.
Then as I stepped out onto the patio to get a better picture, he immediately sat up and took notice of me.
Even though I wasn’t moving, just being there in his sight made him nervous, so he turned to leave. That’s when I noticed that the poor thing was completely covered with mange.
I know coyotes are predators and sworn enemies of most farmers, but I still can’t help but feel sorry for him. Am I crazy to pray for divine healing for the miserable coyote?
I suppose. But I’ll do it anyways.
(I’ve also reported it to the Wildlife Service)
“Then God said, “Let the earth bring forth living creatures after their kind: cattle and creeping things and beasts of the earth after their kind”; and it was so.”
Gen 1:24
Constance, I feel the same way…I feel for any animal that is not well and my blood will boil if I hear of any animal or child hurt or mistreated.
Yes….but I’d do the same darn thing. I hate seeing any life suffer.
No, you are not crazy! All creatures great and small God made them one and all! I know it is a predator but it is so sad to see it like that! We have a small pack of coyote that often roam in our woods and when they get to barking and howling it is scary…wouldn’t want to be out there and face them. Keep my two kitties in where they are safe. Have a blessed day and as always thanks for sharing!
Thank you Cindy! Yes, it will definitely wake you from a dead sleep. I had a run-in with a pack about 2 years ago. Not a fun situation, but thankfully I only ended up with a double-sprained ankle. Could have been worse.