Join me for a front porch chat, as I share about something I learned about the bible that completely blew my mind!
Superconquerors | Devotional Video
Time for a coffee chat, to discuss something that goes on from time to time, and how I handle it.
How to Sew a Custom Bible Cover (with Video)
You can make a cloth bible cover to perfectly fit your own bible. This article includes a how-to video, taking you through the entire process.
Dual Citizenship | Coffee Chat Bible Devotional Video
I’ve had something on my mind and heart. Time to share it.
Nothing’s Off Limits | Devotional Video
This battle has no Geneva Convention. Nothing…nothing is off limits.
We Should Be Preppers | Bible Devotional Video
I am often asked if I am a “prepper.” Today I shared a little bit about my thoughts on that, and why I do believe that indeed, we should be prepping.
To Obey or Not to Obey | Bible Devotional Video
When it comes to authority – should we be obedient citizens…or rebels?
Steadfast – A Bible Devotional Video
What does it mean to remain “steadfast”? And how do we apply it to our lives? Join me for a bible devotional.
The Danger of Being Right | Devotional Video
A front porch devotional chat on a hot, summer day. I talk about the importance of your faith and understanding being challenged.
God Planted It – A Garden Devotional Video
I wasn’t planning on doing a devotional…but it just happened. I hope it blesses you!
I am Not Afraid | Front Porch Devotional Video
A front porch devotional chat about something that has been on my heart.
Canonical Bible Reading Plan
A free printable Bible Reading Plan that takes you through the books of the bible in order from Genesis to Revelation.
Old and New Testament Bible Reading Plan
A free printable Bible Reading Plan that takes you through the both the Old and New Testaments daily.
God is a Stone Collector
I don’t like conformity. I find myself greatly bothered by this homogenization of culture, views, thoughts, society. We are all different. That is what makes us who we are.
Frozen Pipes & Learning to Listen
This morning when I woke up, it was a bitter cold morning. The hot weather of an Alabama summer dragged on and on, and it seems the cold weather decided that since it was late, it had to come in with a vengeance.
Is Self-Sufficiency a Lack of Faith in God?
As most of you know, I recently moved to the country…