Great little portable treats, perfect for a picnic!
Lemon Coffee Cake Muffins
Tasty lemon muffins with a lemon curd filling and delicious crumb topping.
Salted Caramel Mocha Cupcakes
These Salted Caramel Mocha cupcakes were inspired by my new favorite barista creation of the same name. They are absolutely heavenly.
Homemade Caramel Sauce
There’s no need to buy the bottled stuff when you can make it yourself!
Cheesecake Pastry
Mmmmm! Cheesecake in a pastry. It is very simple and very delicious, and the variations you can do with this are endless.
Chewy Brownies
When it comes to brownies, there seem to be two camps: the fudgy or chewy brownie camp and the cake-like brownie camp.
Lemon Fools
Lemon Fools may have a funny sounding name, but there is nothing funny about them. Other than how ridiculously easy they are to make.
Mocha Cream Pie
Now I know that technically this isn’t a “pie” because it doesn’t exactly have a crust. Instead it has a bed of chocolate cookie crumbs. And that, is heaven.